Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Google Toolbar Previous Searches

So every once in a while, I take a break from my current work to frolic amongst distractions. One of my favorite distractions is typing in a random letter into my Google search bar and giggling at my previous searches. A couple of my friends doubted the entertainment value in doing this, however it has never let me down. So these are the best/worst/strangest of each letter:



Afternoon delight

Aggregate supply and demand

Ancient facebook

Anderson cooper


Aunt jemima

Austin municipal court

Austrailian rappers

Awkward family photos


Baby justice league

Baby toupee

Back piercing

Barbie massacre


Batman vs superman

Bermuda shorts

Bitch at the club

Blueberry pancakes

Boy vey

Brad or I


Captain planet drinking games


Coke dissolving penny

Concealed weapons license


Cream cheese


Digital underground

Do bumble bees sting?





Ernesto reyes




Flaming Dr. Pepper


Fuck you penguin


Gangsta rap

Gary Busey

Ghetto pass

Girls with sideburns

Glacier national park







High as fuck

Hillary swank

Housewives of new jersey

Howard dean

Humpty hump


Iceland economic crisis

I’m a cat, I’m a kitty cat


It’s tricky



Japanese bug fights

Jaydiohead grey album




Kid n play

King of queens





Lil jon high school picture

Lonely island family portrait




Movin’ on up

Mr. freeze

Mrs. Piggle wiggle


Negative energy




Optimus rhyme



Pebbles flintstone

Philly cheese steak


Pleather heels



Rachel zoe

Ricky Ricardo

Rhianna pasties





Salty fishermen

Sex offenders (insert zipcode here)

Shotgunning weed

Sleeping bag with legs


Stirrup pants


Superhero name generator


Tag team


The revolution will not be televised

There I fixed it

Titty smoke




Ugly girl names


Vanessa carelton


Vince shamwow arrest

Vital organ removal

Vodka sauce




Wizard of oz coroner song




Yo MTV raps!

If you have any questions whatsoever...Google it.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Drunk Bitch and The Beast

At about 11 PM last night, we (me, ari and lizzy, this chick that we met at college) were on our way to the Taco Cabana when we realized that the dining hall was still open. So instead we go and get some late night pizza and meet this guy Eric. He was pretty cool and when leaving the dining hall, we ended up trying to play foozball with a napkin and a fortune cookie. That ended with the little foozball man busting the fortune cookie into little pieces and us leaving inconspicuously.

So from there we parted with Eric and headed to this party that we had heard was happening down the street. After looking at a campus map and using out skills of deduction, we realized we were headed for a frat party. The first of the year.

So we get there. We proceed into the house and there are just people hanging around the foyer. Then we walk down a hallway to this giant room with couches, black lights, rap music and a giant hookah. We wandered around scoping the place out and found the girls that had told us about it. At this point, we realized that everyone had cups. But there was no actual source of the cups. Through the door with the red light in it was the keg. So you could get beer if you had a cup. But we didn't. So lesson learned is BYOC. Because they run out incredibly quickly.

So then we go outside to the backyard where we find a large group of people sitting in a circle, one of which had a guitar and was singing a song about being invincible. So we hung out with them for the rest of the party.

Summary of the party:
  • no cups
  • drunk bitches grinding
  • black lights
  • smoke
  • beer on the floor
So then at 2 AM, the party ends and we leave with the smoking group. One of the guy guys in the group named 'Beast' said that he lived right off of campus and owned a 3 foot bong. So the group heads towards Beast's house. Which was further from campus than we intended. But whatever. We were given the opportunity to explore the town at 3AM. So we go to his house and hang out for a while. Amongst the group were a ton of guys, me, Ari, and Lizzy and then this girl that was so much more drunk than anyone else. She pretty much became the entertainment for the night. I quote: "Everyone is just so pretty."

So then about 4, we head back to school. Ari and I had been lusting for Taco Cabana all night and had high hopes of directing the group there. So then in passing the frat houses, Ari realizes that her bright white sneakers were marred. So she proceeds in trying to wash her shoes in the sprinkler system of a frat house. Classy, I know. But the sprinklers turned off before she was able to finish. :( But somewhere along the way the drunk bitch that had been with us wandered off with one of the guys from the group. Which we applauded because he had been all over her that whole night and it would've just been sad if her drunkenness wasn't taken advantage of.

When we pass their dorm, we see Eric outside with a bunch of other guys. So we go and chat for a while. We ended up talking to this guy that was so incredibly high and would nibble on his lip ring while he talked to you. Also, he was a sophomore but was wearing a 2013 shirt for some reason.

So me, Ari, and Lizzy go back to my dorm room and all just sleep there. Until noon the next day. Completely sleeping through a book discussion that was "required" for incoming freshmen. So then about 2 PM we finally get to Taco Cabana. So. worth. it.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dancing in the Rain

so a few weeks ago, me and a couple of friends decided to go clubbing at this gay club called Rain. i went with Nessa, Kyle, and Carlos (not gay). we had discussed going on Kareoke Night at Rain but instead ended up going to Amateur Stripper Night.

in a nutshell: much more eventful.

so it was a $5 cover for 18-20. so we get in about 10:30/11 and look around. it was really awkward for a while there because nobody was dancing yet. everyone was standing around drinking and smoking. so we stood there awkwardly talking for a bit because we could not buy alcohol and none of us smoke.

so around 11:30 people really started dancing and that was a massive amount of fun. i would not call myself a big dancer but that was really fun. a couple of things i noticed about the club while dancing:
#1: the music video mash ups. while the dj was mixing the songs that were playing, they had big tv screens that had mash ups of the music videos. which was nice bc you didnt have to pay attention to the people you were with all the time. there was tv.
#2: the cage. there was a stage i had not previously noticed. with a cage on it. and the cage contained a stripper pole. we were obviously in a classy place.
#3: the servers. you would see this guy walk by every once in a while carrying a tray of drinks. what was unique about the servers at Rain was that they only wore converse and boy shorts.

so then at midnight, the amateur stripping contest began. there were 6 contestants. the ones worth mentioning were #4, who was like 12 years old and had pink glittery booty shorts on...with which he would shimmy about. he had interesting moves but just looked too young. then #5 was this guy that wore boxers, cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. he was the best looking guy of the 6. so then it got down to the money. basically between the two mentioned above. and cowboy boxer guy ended up winning. i think the prize was like $150. then #4 got 2nd place.

after that everyone just went back to dancing. they had this dance floor that lit up which was pretty crazy to dance on. also, it was pretty funny because since it was a gay club, nobody really cared about gender specific bathrooms, so we all ended up in the women's bathroom at one point.

then carlos had to leave so he could get home in time. so kyle, nessa and i stayed until 2ish, just dancing. this clubbing experience was a lot better than the other, just because it involved a live club.

but seriously, i give this a 6/10. low score only for the slow start. and know that gay clubs come highly recommended. especially on amateur stripper night.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Beastie Boys Pull Out

So today my sister called me with some grave news. She said that she had heard on the radio that the Beastie Boys had pulled out of performing at the 2009 Austin City Limits. So I went and looked it up and it turned out to be true.

Adam Yauch, MCA, of the Beastie Boys was diagnosed with throat cancer earlier this month. It doesn't have to do with his vocal chords so that was a lucky break. But they caught it early enough that he should be fine with just going through treatment. However, this does mean that they canceled all tour dates until November.

So sad face for everyone that already got tickets to ACL.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Experiences

So after not communicating for a couple of months, I'm just going to act like nothing happened and we'll be best friends again. Because I have to catch ya'll up.

So it is summer now and my parents left and went on a vacation up to our cabin in New Mexico for a couple of weeks, leaving the house to me and my sister, Minda. Those 2 weeks were the best of my entire summer. They were so relaxing. So we decided to throw a party while they were gone. And it was really awesome and laid back. People just hung out and drank and watched It's Always Sunny In Philly and ran through sprinklers and made tee shirts. You know. But that was actually pretty funny. Because me and Andrea found the fabric paint and decided to make tshirts that said: Estoy Borracha (I'm drunk...in Spanish). Then we ran through the neighbors sprinklers and got soaked. Have to say we didn't really think that one through.

So then this last weekend was kind of crazy. I ended up going clubbing down on 6th street with Nessa and Ari on Friday night for the first time. And by clubbing, I mean wandering around trying to find a cheap 18+ place. We went to this latina place called Cielo, which was dead empty when we got there at 11. Thankfully no cover; the only person we saw was a janitor with a cowboy hat cleaning the bathroom. So we left. And then we tried out this place called Fuze. Which had a concert that night and was like $20. So we left. Then we went to this place Speakeasy. It has this huge line in front of it and we realized that it was due to the fact that Matt & Kim were having a free concert there that night. So we mingled outside and heard them play Daylight, which was awesome. Then we just generally gave up on clubbing around 12 and went to get pizza at Cozzoli's.

So then after dropping Nessa off, Ari and I decide to use our IDs for some good. So we went to a lingerie store and tried on some crazy tall tranny shoes. Then when that place closed we went next door to the porn store. That was quite the experience. We just went around laughing at the ridiculous names. By far, the best we found was some Seinfeld parody porn. Just...no. Also, we were thoroughly entertained by the soundtrack they chose for the store. At one point, they actually played MmmBop by Hanson. That made my entire weekend.

Then on Saturday night, I went with my friend Jessie to a hookah lounge called Stratosphere. I wasn't quite sure what I was going to think of that because I rarely smoke, but it was fun. You order by the flavor and quality of tobacco. So we got blueberry flavored. Which was pretty amazing because it was really subtle and made me crave blueberry pancakes. So if you haven't done it, you should try it, even if you don't smoke because it really is nothing like cigarettes.

So I have experienced a lot of new things while the parental unit has been gone. And all of them have been exceedingly fun; a good break from my ACC work. But unfortunately they are back now, nagging and all.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Batman: The Animated Series

So a couple of weeks ago, I found this awesome YouTube Channel. This server is my God. He has uploads of the entire first and second season of Batman: TAS. Plus, the first season of Superman. I wouldn't normally settle for YouTube to provide my Batman, but this has proved to be very convenient. Really wherever I am I can just pull it up and watch.

But watching these old episodes really bring me back. When I was a kid, Batman was my favorite show. I would get home from school every day and eat a quesadilla which I watched my Batman. But now I am going and watching them in order. And it is one of those shows that works either way. You can watch them in sequence if you have that kind of time (or even if you don't, in my case). Or you can just watch them like a kid, in whatever order they come on in reruns.

So I am watching the first season. I am up to episode fourteen, the first appearance of Mr. Freeze. And all these episodes have been nostalgic, but at the same time has gotten me thinking. In later movies and such (Dark Knight), the content was more ambiguous with Two Face. They tried to tie together the similarities between Batman and Two Face in The Dark Knight. But I really like the animated version of Two Face's demise better. You see him as a politician really struggling with his Multiple Personality Disorder. You feel more sympathy for him there because you can see that he really is a good guy, but that he just repressed his anger too long. Also, I didn't like that in The Dark Knight, Harvey Dent (Two Face) is dating Rachel, Bruce Wayne's ex-girlfriend. It makes it too personal for Batman. I mean, I can see why they chose to do that for that particular movie. But it takes all the audience sympathy away from Two Face.

Another point that I like about the animated series in reference to Two Face is the existance of his girlfriend. Because he was engaged and then was destroyed, the girlfriend still has to live with him as this monster now. They lost connection but her existence gives Two Face a sense of humanity. He has to fight between his love for her and the presence of Big Bad Harl. It just hits harder. Which is interesting because you would expect the more complex ideas in the version that is not a children's show. Although Batman has always been bigger than that.

Further updates to come.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Roadtrips and other thoughts

So this has 3 parts. I shall go from most relevant to most random, taking into consideration that really none of them are very...um, significant.

1) Roadtrip
So Andrea and I talked about going on a roadtrip one summer during college. It began when we were waiting to talk to someone in the main office at our school. We were waiting in front of a big map of the US. So we both planned our ideal roadtrips. Then figured that we should do one together some time. Personally, I wanted to go from Texas to California without having to drive through the desert of nothingness that is Arizona/New Mexico. However, my suggestion of shortcutting through Mexico did not go over well with her. We figure that we'll...well, damn it. I was going to draw on a map where we were planning on going. But Apple fails at having PC stuff like Paint, so I can't.

Anyways, so we are gonna rent an electric car and go from Austin through New Mexico, stopping briefly in Silver City, to let Andrea reminisce about when she lived there. Go through AZ and hit the Grand Canyon [and go camping there!!(Andie doesnt know this yet)]. When we get to CA, we are gonna go spend a couple of days down in Mexico. Then visit Andrea's grandmother and sister, then head up the 101. I have been told that we are going to feast at In-N-Out often. Go through Oregon. We are contemplating stopping in Walla Walla, WA. It is out of our way, but we like the name. Go up through Washington, get some good coffee and a lot of rain. Go out to the coast and do some whale watching (that was one of my picks). Then head over to Montana. Go through Mizzoula and see Hank (unconfirmed data). Go through Glacier National Park. Then check our car back in and fly to Chicago. Spend a few days there. Fly to Boston. Go check out the Museum of Bad Art in Dedham, MA. And just chill around Boston. Then hit NY, PA, and OH. Do everything in NY we can. Get a Philly Cheese Steak in Philly. Go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleaveland. Probly fly home from here. That is as much as we have planned thus far.

2) Glacier National Park
So when we were talking about Glacier Natl. Park today, I was like, "I want to go there, it has glaciers. Glaciers would be cool." And Andrea was like, "Um, no. This is America. No Glaciers here." Not in those words, but that was the generall feel. And so we got into a bit of an argument as to whether Glacier National Park actually has glaciers. I say yes, or they wouldn't have named it Glacier. She says no, because it probly isnt cold enough. But turns out, it does have glaciers, but they are very small and almost gone. So in a way, we are both kind of right. They are there. But it is not cold enough for them. Especially with global warming. But nontheless, Glacier National Park looks beautiful.

3) Stirrup Pants
So I dont know if you remember these. But I always thought that these were amazing. They look kinda funny, but I always thought that they made your feet feel nice. I dont know what made me think about them today but I did. And I remember my mom had a pair in the 90s (surprise, surprise) that I really liked. I want to look into getting a pair. I would totally wear them on the roadtrip just to embarrass Andrea. Also, they make them in jeans now.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Dr. Tequiper

Okay, so. This weekend, my parents went out of town and I had the house to myself for a night. So I invited a couple of close friends over just to chill and whatnot. So they come over and Andrea begins to raid my closet. She has had a dream of suggesting me to What Not To Wear for a couple of years now. Instead, she just went through and did it herself. I appreciate it because I don't want to put forth the effort to do it myself. :D

So after snacking and raiding, we go to the kitchen and mix some drinks. And for some reason I decide to experiment. I mixed some Dr. Pepper with a bit of tequila. I thought that this might be some miraculously new amazing drink, comparable to the Flaming Dr. Pepper. But alas, no.

I have to say that smelling this drink literally made me shudder. I downed it and for a second it tasted delicious, like a richer Dr. Pepper. Then the tequila hit me. And that almost made my body convulse. But you know, that's what happens when you blindly experiment. As Andrea put it, "It smelled like nail polish and tasted like death."

Deliciousness scale (2/10)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ice Breaker

So I know this whole 'meet everyone on the first day' thing is always a little bit awkward, but I will try break the ice.

Right now, I should be working on my Gold Award Project. I am a senior in high school and I am trying to get my gold award for Girl Scouts. For the project, I am making an informational video about renewable energy. And it needs to be done by the start of June. And I've hardly started on it. So that is what I should be doing.

Instead, I have been surfing the internet all day. My mom went out of town, taking my car keys with her. So I am stuck at home, but I have kept myself thoroughly distracted. Currently, I am on the phone with Andrea, my Cuban friend, I am talking with a British stranger on Omegle, I am playing around with DJ software, and I am surfing Facebook.

Well, I really don't have much to say. But I wanted to make an intro post saying a little bit about me. But the best summary of me is either in the About Me section to the right (->) or on the blog I write with Andrea, my Cuban friend. It is called BonBonSugarSnap. And I promise I won't repost from one blog to another. So there will always be new stuff.

Anyhoo, well, I should do some work so that I have something to show for en entire day of being home alone. Oh, by the way, my name is Megan. And I am a Scorpio. Toodles.