Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dancing in the Rain

so a few weeks ago, me and a couple of friends decided to go clubbing at this gay club called Rain. i went with Nessa, Kyle, and Carlos (not gay). we had discussed going on Kareoke Night at Rain but instead ended up going to Amateur Stripper Night.

in a nutshell: much more eventful.

so it was a $5 cover for 18-20. so we get in about 10:30/11 and look around. it was really awkward for a while there because nobody was dancing yet. everyone was standing around drinking and smoking. so we stood there awkwardly talking for a bit because we could not buy alcohol and none of us smoke.

so around 11:30 people really started dancing and that was a massive amount of fun. i would not call myself a big dancer but that was really fun. a couple of things i noticed about the club while dancing:
#1: the music video mash ups. while the dj was mixing the songs that were playing, they had big tv screens that had mash ups of the music videos. which was nice bc you didnt have to pay attention to the people you were with all the time. there was tv.
#2: the cage. there was a stage i had not previously noticed. with a cage on it. and the cage contained a stripper pole. we were obviously in a classy place.
#3: the servers. you would see this guy walk by every once in a while carrying a tray of drinks. what was unique about the servers at Rain was that they only wore converse and boy shorts.

so then at midnight, the amateur stripping contest began. there were 6 contestants. the ones worth mentioning were #4, who was like 12 years old and had pink glittery booty shorts on...with which he would shimmy about. he had interesting moves but just looked too young. then #5 was this guy that wore boxers, cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. he was the best looking guy of the 6. so then it got down to the money. basically between the two mentioned above. and cowboy boxer guy ended up winning. i think the prize was like $150. then #4 got 2nd place.

after that everyone just went back to dancing. they had this dance floor that lit up which was pretty crazy to dance on. also, it was pretty funny because since it was a gay club, nobody really cared about gender specific bathrooms, so we all ended up in the women's bathroom at one point.

then carlos had to leave so he could get home in time. so kyle, nessa and i stayed until 2ish, just dancing. this clubbing experience was a lot better than the other, just because it involved a live club.

but seriously, i give this a 6/10. low score only for the slow start. and know that gay clubs come highly recommended. especially on amateur stripper night.


  1. You can't even spell "karaoke" right. You depress me soemtimes. Also, slow start was due to early arrival. But I still have to commend you on getting Carlos to go.

  2. Megan, "you didnt have to pay attention to the people you were with all the time. there was tv."?
